Our show TAF 13: METH LAB: Perfumative Intervention for Logos Addiction has gone into Rehab!
Thought-Action Figures
Episode 13: METH LAB: Perfumative Intervention for Logos Addiction
If all culture is narco-culture as Nietzsche contends, with religious and moral systems all numbing us to the terrible truth of existence, then logos surely reigns as the world’s most intoxicating narcotic. Users surround us everywhere, clutching books and other handheld devices, their bodies hunched over from years of addiction. The drug’s onto-historical effects, however, extend far beyond individual lives. Derrida defined logocentrism as the most powerful ethnocentrism the world has ever known, with toxic strains including patriarchy, colonialism, capitalism, racism, and speciesism. Historically, academic institutions and professional organizations established universal reason as an international drug trade. Virulent new strains include performativity or the optimization of input/output ratios. In the UK, logoperformativity now hits the streets through “research users” of the Research Excellence Framework, a national syndicate overseeing addiction assessment and drug supply.
It is most fitting that Performance Philosophy convenes next year in Amsterdam, whose coffee shops and red light district offer a propitious site for a perfumative intervention for logos addiction. Perfumance operates as pharmakon, seeking less to counter logos than to remix its effects with those of Music, Environment, Technology, and Humor—through the intervention method we call METH LAB. METH LAB enables logos addicts to “break good” by breaking logos into song, dance, media, and laughter and overcoming disciplinary rigor mortis. Through METH LAB, ideational thinking encounters thought-action figures or TAFs that emerge transversally across different mediums. TAFs are to digitality what ideas were to literacy: an emerging mode of being-nothing. At this onto-historical moment, we offer the multimedia lecture performance “METH LAB: Perfumative Intervention for Logos Addiction.”
Stay tuned for more info!